Java Stream map operation

We use the Java Stream map (an intermediate operation) to map an element in a stream to a different value (of the same or different type).

October 30, 2023

Java Stream min and max

In this post, we will learn about using Java Stream min and max methods to find the minimum and the maximum element in a Java Stream.

September 25, 2023

Java Stream sorted operation

Using Java Stream sorted operation on a stream will return a stream with the elements of the stream sorted according to their natural order.

August 28, 2023

Java Stream Reduce

We use the Java Stream’s reduce method to reduce a stream of values to a single result. There are three overloaded Stream#reduce operation.

January 2, 2023

A Complete Guide to Java Stream mapMulti

The Java Stream mapMulti method was added in Java 16. It allows us to replace each element in a Java Stream with one or more elements.

December 22, 2022

Three Ways to Sum a Stream of Numbers

In this post, we will see the three ways to sum a stream of numbers (using Java streams). We use the mapToInt, reduce, and collect methods.

June 15, 2020