Apache Commons Lang ObjectUtils
The Apache Commons Lang ObjectUtils class from the Apache Commons Lang3 library has many static utility methods operating on Object instances.
The Apache Commons Lang ObjectUtils class from the Apache Commons Lang3 library has many static utility methods operating on Object instances.
We can use the Apache Commons Lang Diffable to compare two objects of the same class and find the differences among the values of all fields.
Apache Commons Lang Mutable provides mutable access to a value. In this post, we will learn about the Apache Commons Lang Mutable Class.
The ThreadUtils class from the Apache Commons Lang library has helper methods for working with Java threads and ThreadGroups.
The EnumUtils class from Apache Commons Lang provides several static methods (helper methods) for working with Java enums.
The Apache Commons Lang CharSet represents a set of characters. This post covers the Apache Commons Lang CharSet and CharSetUtils class.
We will learn about the Apache Commons Lang RandomStringUtils class for generating random strings for simple use cases in this post.
In this post, we will learn about Apache Commons Lang Pair class. We use this class when we have a need to manage one or more pair of values.
The Apache Commons Lang Validate class in the Apache Commons Lang library helps in validating arguments to a method (or a constructor)
The Apache Commons Lang library provides utility classes and methods. In the post we will learn about the Apache Commons Lang Range class.